Welcome to Field Note v. 1.0.0
We are thrilled to introduce you to our cutting-edge digital agriculture research data recording application. Whether you're a scientist, researcher, or student, our platform is designed to simplify and streamline your data collection process.
With our user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly create experiments, record observations, and manage your data in just a few clicks. No more tedious paperwork or manual data entry - Field Note empowers you to capture crucial information directly from the field, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Once your data is collected, exporting it to Excel format is a breeze.

Project Team
Dr Nitesh S D
Ph.D. (Agriculture)
Genetics and Plant Breeding
CSAUAT, Kanpur, UP
Dr J Jorben
Ph.D. (Agriculture)
Genetics and Plant Breeding
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Dr. C. Bharadwaj
Principal Scientist
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi